Sunday, January 24, 2010

Nintendo Serial Numbers Nintendo Serial Is Dissolved, What Should I Do?

Nintendo serial is dissolved, what should I do? - nintendo serial numbers

The L button on my DSLite and do not respond when pressed. It is not by physical damage, and I'm still under warranty. But Nintendo has visited the site and learned that the warranty is void if the serial number is located on the back changed, damaged or deleted. The problem is that all Nintendo hand systems are designed so that the serial number because of sweaty palms is removed, it is very stupid, because the problem of security. What should I do now? Should I call Nintendo on the phone and speak with a representative or take it to save a game or any other suggestions?


ketchupk... said...


shadowst... said...

Call Nintendo. I know what you're talking, blurred the serial number, but I think it is in the battery. To see the back end, whether the number on the web. Otherwise, contact Nintendo and see what can be done to solve it. Nintendo customer service and they stand behind their product. Even if you have the box, you must be the serial number indicated on the packaging, (I have one for me and I think I have it there) and a cell phone. Chances are, if they are, and put some pressure on us to take care of your problem mentioned. Good luck and Happy New Year!

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